50th Anniversary Summer Shiai and Dinner

On June 26, 2021, the Order of Isshin-Ryu Martial Arts and esteemed guests gathered at Bohemia Manor High School in Chesapeake City, Maryland, for their 50th Anniversary Summer Shiai.  It was a grand event that not only marked our first in-person gathering since COVID-19, but also the 50th Anniversary of the Order of Isshin-Ryu founded on January 15, 1971, by Grandmaster Cooling.


The day was full of activities including a kata and kumite tournament, many excellent demonstrations that highlighted the diversity of the Order of Isshin-Ryu Martial Arts, a special presentation, and promotions.  Included in promotions where those that received promotions during COVID-19, but did not receive a proper ceremony. 


Master Marvin Carmona presented Grandmaster Cooling with a beautiful award recognizing “50 years of Vision, Guidance, and Leadership” on behalf of the American Isshinryu Association.  


Following the tournament, many gathered at R. T. Foard Banquet Hall for the Golden Anniversary Dinner.  Everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner while several awards were presented, and the floor was opened up for guest speakers.  Stories from the past 50-years were shared while photos were flashed on a screen documenting a lifetime of martial arts and family.  A great time was had by all!



Dickie Simmons   Go-Dan

Buster Hash   Go-Dan

Doug Rogers   Yon-Dan

Arthur Samson   Ni-Dan

Joshua Poventud   Ni-Dan

Greg LeBlanc   Sho-Dan


Promotions recognized from during COVID-19:

Mark Harrison    Sho-Dan

John McNair   Sho-Dan

Matt Scarborough   Sho-Dan

Congratulations to everyone, and a special congratulations to Grandmaster Cooling on 50 years of the Order of Isshin-Ryu Martial Arts!   ⛩


Additional Photos here!